
Last post uwu

Hello everybody Today, I have to write the last post of this signature, English III. And I have to talk about my blogger experience. Personally, I took seriously this activity. But the class is too early so when I have to write I'm still sleepy. Writing on the blog is a good way to practice grammatical English and if you have questions, you can ask to the Miss for help. Of course this activity contributed in my writing in English, because I learn new vocabulary and if I have questions I ask to the teacher for help. I enjoyed reading my classmate's blogs, I think that some stories are very interesting like your favorite places or about the presentation that we have to do and also, some post have very funny experiences. I like reading the comments and writing comments to my classmate's. Unfortunately I knew how answer the comments in post number five. :c I don't have negative aspects to this activity. Well classmates and Miss, it was a very funny and nice experien


Hello everybody Today I have to talk about a topic so I decided to talk about lynx Lynx is a wild cat. Exist four species of this animal; Canada lynx, Iberian lynx. Eurasian lynx and bobcat. The characteristics of this cat is that has a short tail. Also, this animal has a peculiar tufts of black hair on the tips on their ears, large, padded paws for walking on snow and long whiskers on the face. Under their neck they have a ruff wich has black bars resembling a bow tie, although this is often not visible. Body colour varies from medium brown to goldish to beige-white, and is occasionally marked with dark brown spots, especially on the limbs. Eurasian lynx is the largest in size. It is native in European, Central Asian and Siberian forests. Its conservation status has been classified as least concern. Canada lynx is a North American felid that ranges in forest and tundra regions across Canada and into Alaska, as well as some parts of the northern United States. Its conservation

Santiago City

Hello everybody! Today I´m going to talk about Santiago city. What I like about Santigo city is that you can find a lot of variety of products, you only have to go through the city. I like this because if you need something you only need a little time and you can get it, in my city we have a little diversity. Also, I like all the quantity of museums; this is a privilege that most of cities don´t have. I remember when MIM goes to my city and my class were lucky enough to go to. What I dislike about Santiago city is the smell of pee in some places like Estacion Central, Vega Central and Plaza de Armas. I treat to keep clear those places because is too disgusting. Also, I dislike that Santiago city collapse with drizzle, because the streets are flooded with a few drops and citizens are too exaggerated.  The city would be a better place if the city forbids particular transport in the center of city, I think that this could get better public transport. Also, I think that the city need


Hello classmates, today I’m going to talk about the current situation of education and my opinion about that. Well, by a series of measures taken lately, today our teachers keep asking for work improvement and avoid that subjects important like history and physical education be removed from the obligatory classes. I think that education is the most important area in a society, because only with education this can move on but sadly I think that politics that we have in this country prefer keeping in the work area that made a good work so they only care economic laws. This is bad because I think that both areas go hand in hand. Obviously I think that education really needs a change, but treating a student like criminals and removing important classes I don’t think that could be the way, so I think that the strike is correct. I think that if the work of teachers are optimized, improvement and off course valuated our country can improve the quality of education, but this change m

Copa America

Hi everyone Today I´m going to talk about a problem  that I have because today the men national soccer team   they play versus Colombia team. Honestly, I was hoping that chilean team lose against Japon team because the matches before Copa America chileans played very badly. First I saw the apertura match (Brazil- Bolivia) and it was so boring that I fell asleep and wake up five minuts to the end. The second match that I saw was Colombia v/s Argentina. It was a very interesting match, colombian team played so well that I wish that they deserves won the championship because strategy and decision of chilean team trainer don't convince me yet. Well, here is the problem. Today at 7 pm they have a match, Chile versus Colombia and I dont know to whom suport yet, I have feelings to both teams, one because I love soccer and I think that is the best soccer team in the championship  and the other is my country team. If I see the possitive side, I will not be too sad at end of match. No


Hello everybody Today I'm going to talk about the milk without lactose. First I will talk about lactose, what is and how it is composed. Then I will refer about the process to get milk without lactose and lastly I will tell you why I chosed to talk about this theme. Lactose is a disaccharide that you can find in the milk. Disaccharide is a sugar composed of two molecules, in this case, galactose and glucose. Lactase is an enzyme. It is located in the brush border of the small intestine of humans and mammals. It's essential to the complete digestion of whole milk; it breaks down lactose and you can get galactose and glucose. To obtained milk without lactose you only have to add the enzyme lactase to break it. Then you can used it to make a lot of products that be derived from milk without lactose (cheese, butter, yogurt, etc). Well, I'm going to talk about this theme because I thing that is very interesting know how you can get milk without lactose. First I believed tha

Food Process Engineering

Hello Today I´m going to talk about why I´m study Food Process Engineering. I  studied in a technical professional high school, I´m technical in agriculture and livestock in medium level. I had technical subjects since first grade but since third year I had more technical subjects than obligatory subjects. One of that subject was Undertaking I, I had to make a project and work with it two years. I decided make a cereal bar and I had to work in a food process plant. Since then I like everything related to food process. I did my professional practice in this food process plant, who was my tutor is Food Process Engineer and he told me where can I study this career. A Food Process Engineer is basically who make food at industry. Also you can study food properties (this area is what I like the most). A Food Process Engineer needs constant study about food informacion because technologies and information progress to fast and things that was harmless now are harmful or vice versa. At the